Maybe it's because I'm getting older, but I have found a little interest in religion creeping up in me. I have two brothers, one who goes to church every sunday (although I have no idea as to what he really believes), and one who thinks that religion itself is a total waste of time. My parents are both very religious and made all of us go to church until we were 16 then we were allowed to make our own decision. I have to mention that two of us haven't been back since.
I guess I am somewhere in the middle, not having really made up my mind. I have actually been attending a bible study just to see if it is anything that will interest me, but I have mixed feelings about the whole thing. I just can't get my brain around the fact that there is a god. There are too many horrible things int he world that go on for that to be possible. Of course the religious have an answer to that and all though I guess that it mkes sense, I find that explanation hard to stomach too.
I have always believed that religion was invented by ancient governments to keep thier subjects in line. You know, sure your misreable now, but believe in this "god" person and you'll have eternal happines and eternal life, all you got to do is live through this life first. So it really doesn't matter how badly we treat you or how misreable you are, just look at how happy you'll be when you die and go to heaven!
I guess I have no faith in things that I can't see or touch, but that's just the way my brain works.
So I guss my question is should I bother with it? or should I just give up and go home!